Run Kegbot Server

By now you have Kegbot installed; it’s now time to run the server!

Run the built-in web server

Kegbot Server includes a simple built-in web server (part of Django). This is not a high performance web server, but works well during testing.

Launch the web server with the following command:

(kb) $ kegbot runserver
Validating models...

0 errors found
Django version 1.6.2, using settings 'pykeg.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Now try it out! Navigate to http://localhost:8000/ .

The first time you start Kegbot, you will be prompted to finish installation by running the Setup Wizard. Follow the on-screen prompts to create your admin account and finish installation.

Kegbot Server is 100% functional when running under this development server, but for better performance you’ll want to run Kegbot with a “real” HTTP server. When you’re ready, see Production Setup with Gunicorn, Nginx, and Supervisor for instructions.

Configure Kegbot

The admin account you just created has access to an additional tab in the navigation bar: “Admin”.

Head over to “Taps”. Taps define what beer is currently available in the system. By default, two taps are created, but you can add more if you need them. If you’re only using one tap, don’t worry about the second one.

Before you can pour a drink, you should add a new Keg to the tap.

Allowing external access

By default, the built-in web server only accepts connections from the local machine. To allow external computers to reach this server, specify the bind address when running it:

$ kegbot runserver

Run the task queue workers (Celery)

Certain features, such as stats computation, Twitter checkins and web hook support, require a non-webserver process in order to run in the background Kegbot uses Celery as its task queue.

Celery is automatically installed with kegbot. You can try running it in the foreground:

(kb) $ kegbot run_workers

Be sure Celery is always running when your server is running. If it isn’t, some features will not work. See Production Setup with Gunicorn, Nginx, and Supervisor for instructions on automatically launching Celery in the background.

Next steps

Congratulations! Your Kegbot Server should be basically functional: ready to accept new user registrations and drink reports. In the next chapters, we’ll go over tweaking your setup for a long-running production environment.