.. _settings: Settings ======== Most Kegbot features and behaviors are controlled within the web application by using your admin account. However, a handful of settings are managed outside of the web application, as environment variables, and are described here. Available settings ------------------ This section lists all settings (environment variables) the server recognizes. Required settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These settings have no default and must be set by you. (When you use ``docker-compose`` with the example configuration in these docs, all required values will be set.) .. data:: DATABASE_URL Credentials to the Kegbot database. Should be a value of the form ``mysql://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/NAME`` or ``postgres://USER:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/NAME``. ``PORT`` and ``PASSWORD`` are optional. **Example:** ``mysql://kegbot@localhost/kegbot`` .. data:: REDIS_URL URL to the Kegbot Redis instance, in the format ``redis://:PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/DATABASE``. ``PASSWORD`` and ``PORT`` are optional. **Example:** ``redis://localhost/0`` .. data:: KEGBOT_SECRET_KEY A random value, like a password, that will be used to generate and protect certain values used by the web service, such as cookies. Changing this value will cause all users to be logged out and will invalidate any pending invitations. Generally, you should only change this value if it has become compromised. Optional settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These settings all have defaults, which you may override. .. data:: KEGBOT_ENV Controls debug mode and other settings. Should be ``production`` in production; default ``debug``. .. data:: KEGBOT_DATA_DIR Filesystem path where Kegbot-specific data is stored and managed. Default: ``/kegbot-data``. .. data:: KEGBOT_BASE_URL The base public URL of this Kegbot system, for example ``https://kegbot.example.com/``. If set, Kegbot will use this when creating links to media and other events. If left blank (default), the system will attempt to guess the correct address when needed. .. data:: KEGBOT_INSECURE_SHARED_API_KEY If set, a random value, like a password, that will always be accepted as an API key. As the name suggests, it is insecure to use this feature, which is intended only for use in special standalone/embedded installs (e.g. a single-user, offline Raspberry Pi) where there is no risk of exposure. Advanced and experimental settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These settings control experimental features. They are subject to change and should only be needed by advanced users. .. data:: KEGBOT_MEDIA_URL If specified, images and other media served by Kegbot will be prefixed by this URL. Otherwise, media will be served from the same host as the server itself, under ``/media``. You may use this setting to e.g. serve media links through a CDN. .. data:: KEGBOT_ENABLE_V2_API If set to ``true``, the new Kegbot Server API will be enabled (at path ``/api/v2/...``). This API will replace the existing API implementation in a future major Kegbot release. It is currently unfinished. Enable this if you are a developer intending to work on or with this API.